Heimathafen® Hotels

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Nicht mit leeren Händen nach Hause fliegen? Verschenk doch einfach einen unserer Gutscheine! Von hier aus biegst du entweder direkt zum Fliegerdeich-Shop ab – oder machst dich auf den Weg zu unserer Star Alliance, den Heimathafen® Hotels. Dort findest du Wertgutscheine, die du in allen Hotels unserer Gruppe einlösen kannst. Startklar? Los geht’s!

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Our Premium Economy rooms are for real high-flyers: equipped with a comfortable double bed, you'll be floating on air - and if you like, you can even pack your co-pilot! The cabin is also equipped with a flat-screen TV, a Bluetooth system and a radio.
Perfect for a good start in the morning: our rich breakfast in the galley.
Prices are for two people per room and night including breakfast and are based on request and occupancy of the house.

Please note: Our Premium Economy rooms are only accessible via a staircase.

23 sqm | WLAN | balcony | side sea view
€ 139,00

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